New Song out in cooperation with Banda Dos

Katy Santos and the chilean Cumbia Band ‘Banda Dos’ have released the song ‘Nunca es suficiente’, a cover version with a videoclip which is now available on YouTube and Spotify. Check out these hot Cumbia rhythms and the colorful videoclip made a 100%  at the musicians homes. This is a musical cooperation which has been made during the lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic situation…

Covid-19 has affected deeply the music and entertainment business. Artists, creators and entertainers saw themselves obligated to find new platforms and possibilities to present their work. Katy Santos, who got stuck in Chile in the middle of the pandemic outbreak, while she was touring in South America in February/ March 2020, was invited by the local band from Rancagua, Chile to participate in this musical project. As many musicians, Katy and the musicians of Banda Dos decided to unite their talents staying at home and working with the advantage of technology, recording audio and video at their own places and sending the material to each other to finish the task. “We are very happy, that we were able to keep music alive and hope that the song can give people some joy, good vibes and hope during these difficult times”. 



Check out the Video on YouTube here:



Check out some images of the official videoclip: